About us

Marcus Rastefalk
CEO, Computator AB

Since its founding, Computator has focused on delivering customer benefits.
Whether we are installing a new backup system, developing a customized application, or just delivering the latest cloud service, our strength and ability is to integrate ideas and take steps to help our customers achieve a flawless everyday life.
This is possible thanks to our almost 100-year overall IT experience.
Computator is constantly working to improve and refine the service and support we provide. Companies of all sizes and shapes make use of our products and services.

Computator is an independent IT company with a strongly stated policy to work in the interests of our customers. We consider it very important to have an independent neutral view of various software and computer systems so that our customers know that they are getting solutions that are best suited to them.

Therefore, we do not have external stakeholders who place such demands on our actions that we cannot freely do what we consider best for our customers.

However, we collaborate with a variety of partners and suppliers to ensure that they have a broad and deep expertise in many areas.

We take overall responsibility and deliver solutions that provide useful and lasting customer benefit. Functioning and value-creating solutions require efficient collaboration between people, applications and technology. It accomplishes Computator through a full range of services.

Our goal is, as a long-term partner, to create more efficient and more reliable IT environments tailored to the client's specific needs.

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